Client Spotlight: Jennie Monness

Our New York City family photographer collective has had the incredible opportunity to photograph Jennie Monness, the well-known NYC-based parent/child educator and cofounder of Union Square Play, over the past few years. One highlight was our exclusive Jennie Monness photoshoot for the cover of Sutton Place Social Magazine!

Our sessions with Jennie Monness have been a joy, capturing candid moments between Jennie, her daughters Tess and Nell, and her husband Matt. Through our photographs, we illustrate the love, connection, and respect that are central to Jennie’s parenting philosophy and the RIE Educaring Approach she practices.

We are honored to visually document Jennie’s parenting journey and her passionate work empowering families worldwide through her classes at USP, and her parenting insights that she shares on platforms like Instagram and Mo’Mommies on TikTok.

Learn more about Jennie HERE.

Did you know Briar Rose photographs just about every season of life!?From Maternity to 1st birthday cake smashes to events/parties.

Business Needs!? We cover Branding and Corporate Photography, too!

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