The Best Time for Outdoor Photoshoots

I know you’re probably thinking…

The sun is out, so it must be a great time to take a photo! The truth is: you are right… kind of! We all want bright, beautiful photos, so it seems like it would be common sense to take them outdoors in full sun.

But full sun is often harsh, washing out details and creating deep shadows. Instead, as photographers, we aim to work with lighting that is most uniform and soft outdoors, so you and your family can relax and play without worrying if it’s too bright, squinty, or hot/cold.

This is why picking the best timing for your photo session is so important—it’s part aesthetic and part freedom to relax into all the special little moments we’re trying to capture!

Morning Photo Sessions

If you’re looking to schedule your photo session in the morning, you’re going to want to do it pretty early to capture that soft, beautiful light. During the summer it can be as early as 6:30 am at times—ack!

Although it’s hard to get out of the door that early in the morning, we do think early morning photos are gorgeous. There are also some distinct benefits to morning sessions. It’s nice and cool during the summer, and most importantly, locations typically aren’t as crowded during early morning hours.

Why You Might Want a Morning Session:

  • You are an early bird, and so is your family.
  • You love pretty morning sunlight.
  • You want to beat the crowds in a congested area.
  • In the summer, you want the best chance for cooler temps (although it may be a little chilly if it’s during the fall/winter).

Afternoon Photo Sessions

Afternoons when the sun is very high overhead in the sky creates the type of light that we typically try to avoid, especially during the summer. Sometimes you’ll see sun dappling in photos, where the pattern of the sun peeking through the trees shows on surfaces. There is a potential for squinty photos, especially if anyone is sensitive to the sun, and you’ll often see a blown out (completely white) sky and background in midday photos. 

More than that, it’s frequently very hot in the summer, which isn’t always the most comfortable for adults and children trying to relax and enjoy a photo session.

The Briar photo style does call for bright photos, but the secret is that those are created when the light is even and shady. Overcast skies during a midday session are great for photos even if they are hard to predict so if high sun is our only option we can hope for overcast weather. If you hire Briar Rose Photo Co. For your session, each of our photographers knows pro tricks to make any time of day work!

Why You Might Want an Afternoon Session:

  • It’s the only time you’re available due to other commitments, meal times, or nap schedules.
  • You’re okay with sky/water/backgrounds being blown out (all white).
  • Being warmer is your favorite!

Late Afternoon/ Evening Photo Sessions

Evening and late afternoon photos are our preferred times to take photographs. There is just something so special about the slightly darkening sky that makes it the perfect backdrop for all types of portraits.

That said, the best time for evening photo sessions changes throughout the year. It’s usually earlier in the fall and winter (late afternoon) and much later in the spring and summer—sometimes even as late as 8 pm! Evening light is when the sun is slowly lowering in the sky and creates the most universally flattering light.

We have a special way of determining when the light is best for evening sessions based on the time of year, and we’ll work with you to find the perfect start time. It’s kind of our thing!

Why You Might Want a Late Afternoon/Evening Session:

  • You want the freedom to photograph any backdrop from any angle.
  • This is often best for kids who are on the move!
  • You or your children’s eyes are sensitive to the sun.
  • In the summer, you’d prefer to avoid the heat.

Golden Hour Photo Sessions

Golden hour is a very, very special time for a photo session. It happens right as the sun is setting, and the color of the sun turns golden. It gives a very specific hazy golden cast to each image—it’s absolutely gorgeous!

You can catch golden hour on the streets, but it’s best on the beach or by any waterfront, including on New York City’s westside waterfront. If you’re interested in both evening and golden hour we can aim to capture both in one session.

Why You Might Want a Golden Hour Session:

  • You want one-of-a-kind photographs with a deep golden haze.
  • You want to be as cool as possible in the summer.
  • You want to try and catch a colorful sunset.
  • You can feed your kids before the session since it’s usually around dinner time.
  • You want a beach or waterfront session.

Whatever time of day you choose to have your photos taken, we will work with you one-on-one to determine the best timing for the most beautiful light in the location that you’ve selected. Contact us to get started.

We can’t wait to capture you and your family’s memories in the best light possible!

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